perm filename RUN.SP[AM,DBL] blob sn#484177 filedate 1979-11-29 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Long ago, all the earth  was rich in Mana, a  source of energy capable  of
C00008 00003	RESIST COLD 50%: 1 INT pt  10 rounds focussed passive 40 meters   500L.
C00016 00004	RESIST COLD 50%: 1 INT pt  10 rounds focussed passive 40 meters   500L.
C00036 ENDMK
Long ago, all the earth  was rich in Mana, a  source of energy capable  of
powering some  of  the  most  spectacular  sorcerous  spells.   Each  area
possessed a finite  amount of  Mana, and  heavy spellcasting  has all  but
exhausted it in many places  (notably, those close to human  settlements.)
As the amount of Mana waned, the elder gods retreated, and are now all but
dead.  The current Mana  level is adequate to  maintain Dragons and  other
magical  creatures,  but  they  are  slowly,  inexorably  sinking   toward
extinction, toward becoming merely mythical.  The Mana energy can still be
tapped, but often only weakly, feebly, compared to days gone by.

The Sorcerors Guild still exists, and is willing to take on apprentices or
serious fulltime members.   The latter involves  a lifelong commitment  to
research and scholarly study, so most adventurers will be interested  only
in the  former option.   Apprenticeships last  from 1  to 5  years,  NEVER
longer.  The would-be apprentice must be between 15 and 18 years old, have
INT at least 12, locate a guild (INTx5%, tryable only once), convince them
to accept him  for instruction (Oratory  roll, or INTx5%),  and work  four
hours each  day in  service  to the  guild.  Each  year,  he must  make  a
succesful convincing roll or leave  the apprenticeship at that point.   He
may never return, nor teach anyone else any of the arcane skills acquired.
Violators of this oath have been  known to disappear suddenly, often  with
no clue but a frog or newt left in their bed (said animals are thought  to
bring ill luck, and are always destroyed immediately, typically by selling
them to the alchemists.)

Each year  that the  apprentice  studies, he  will  learn 4000L  worth  of
spells.  The monetary worth is purely for bookeeping, as no one can buy or
sell such training under any circumstances.

Casting a sorcerous spell results in a temporary sacrifice of INT point(s)
and possibly POW as well.  INT points return like POW points, one  quarter
of the lost  points returning  every six hours.   In addition,  a roll  of
percentile dice  must  be made  to  ascertain  the Mana  present  in  that
location, at that particular instant.  96-00  is a fumble; ie, not  enough
Mana is present, and the INT points have been wasted. 01-05 is a  critical
casting, and no INT points at all will be expended in this casting.  06-95
is normal: the Mana is  high emough for the spell  to work, but the  usual
number of INT points are lost.

A sorceror can  recall only  his INT  worth of  spells each  day, be  they
battle magic or  sorcerous.  Thus, with  an INT of  15, Woogly the  Wizard
could hold in his mind Healing 2, Protection 4 (two battle magic  spells),
and Timestop 9 (a sorcerous spell), but no more.  Bound and allied spirits
can have their  INT (and of  course POW whenever  demanded) used for  this

Note that in many cases, individuals get "saving throws" (the sorceror has
a base 50%  chance for his  spell to  work, modified upward  5% for  every
point of INT he possesses, and modified downward 5% for every point of POW
the intended victim possesses).  But whether  or not there are any POW  or
INT rolls to make,  note that Countermagic  may protect some  individuals,
and a Dispel Magic can bring the  spell down (this applies, e.g., even  to
TimeStop, but NOT to permanent  spells such as Resurrect).  Regardless  of
the number of INT points spent, each spell counts as a 1 point spell  with
respect to punching through Countermagic, Absorbtion, Reflection,  Shield,
etc.  The  caster can  add n  points of  power (hisown,  allied  spirit's,
stored crystal's, etc.),  in which  case the spell  will act  like an  n+1
point spell (battle magic strength, not Rune strength).
RESIST COLD 50%: 1 INT pt;  10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;   500L.
RESIST HEAT 50%: 1 INT pt;  10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;   500L.
DANCING LIGHTS:  1 INT pt;  10 rounds; focussed; active;  40 meters;  1000L.
FLOATING DISC:   1 INT pt;  10 rounds; defocusd; passive;  2 meters;  1000L.
READ A LANGUAGE: 1 INT pt;  10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  1000L.
GAZE REFLECT:    1 INT pt;  5 rounds;  focussed; active;  80 meters;  1000L.
SNAKE CHARM:     2 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; active;  40 meters;  1000L.
FEATHER FALL:    2 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 80 meters;  1500L.
VENTRILOQUISM:   2 INT pts; 10 rounds; defocusd; active;  40 meters;  1500L.
DISGUISE SELF:   2 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
DOUBLE/HALF SIZE 2 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
HOLD PORTAL:     3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
KNOCK:           3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
MIRROR IMAGE:    3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
VISUAL ILLUSION: 3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; active;  80 meters;  2000L.
SPEAK LANGUAGES: 3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 60 meters;  2000L.
SLOW POISON:     3 INT pts; 2d4 hours; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
TRUE SEEING:     3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
BLESS:           3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2500L.
CURSE:           3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2500L.
FIREBALL:        4 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 20 meters;  2500L.
FLY:             4 INT pts; 4d6 rnds;  focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2500L.
BREATHE WATER:   4 INT pts; 4d8 rnds;  focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2500L.
FIREWALL:        5 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  3000L.
MONSTER SUMMON:  5 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  3000L.
PASSWALL:        5 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  3000L.
STONEWALL:       6 INT pts; 1 day;     focussed; passive; 30 meters;  3500L.
STONE <=> FLESH: 7 INT pts; 4d6 rnds;  focussed; passive; 40 meters;  4000L.
POLYMORPH OTHER: 7 INT pts; 1 day;     focussed; passive; 30 meters;  4000L.
POLYMORPH SELF:  7 INT pts; 3d6 rnds;  defocusd; passive; no range;   4000L.
RESURRECT:       7 INT pts;  1 round;  focussed; active;   1 meter;   4000L.
TIMESTOP:        9 INT pts; 1d4 rnds;  focussed; passive; 40 meters;  8000L.

RESIST COLD 50%: 1 INT pt;  10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;   500L.
   Defocussed on self, focussed on others, as are ALL spells in this list.
   Reduces all damage from cold-based attacks by 50%.  This spell affects
   one creature (as do almost ALL spells on this list) and he can withstand
   even arctic (-30 degrees Centigrade) temperatures with no damage.

RESIST HEAT 50%: 1 INT pt;  10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;   500L.
   Withstand hot (up to 60 degrees centigrade) temperatures with no damage.
   Fire-based attacks do only 50% damage t the affected creature.

DANCING LIGHTS:  1 INT pt;  10 rounds; focussed; active;  40 meters;  1000L.
   1d6 lights appear, each about 1 torch equivalent, and move where the
   caster directs them, anywhere within 40 meters of him. He must concentrate
   on them (this is an Active spell) or they will wink out.  He can move.

FLOATING DISC:   1 INT pt;  10 rounds; defocusd; passive;  2 meters;  1000L.
   A 1 meter diameter concave dish appears, and can hold up to 10,000L weight.
   It will follow the caster about, but cannot be used offensively.

READ A LANGUAGE: 1 INT pt;  10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  1000L.
   This works on any written text, or any creature touched.  The caster can
   comprehed the meaning, but can in no way communicate back in that language.

GAZE REFLECT:    1 INT pt;  5 rounds;  focussed; active;  40 meters;  1000L.
   Absolutely shields the affected creature (usually the caster) from any
   gaze attack (e.g., Basilisk), and in fact reflects such attacks back.
   The 40m range is to determine who is protected; the gaze will be reflected
   back at the gazer nomatter HOW far away it is.  Caster must concentrate.

SNAKE CHARM:     2 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; active;  40 meters;  1000L.
   1d4 snakes may be attacked simultaneously.   Caster's INT vs. their POW
   (resolved individually); if they fail, they will remain motionless or (if
   communication is possible) obey the caster's commands.  Must concentrate.

FEATHER FALL:    2 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 80 meters;  1500L.
   This reduces the caster's (or affected creature's) weight to zero.  If he
   is falling, he will instantly (by next strike rank) slow to a safe velocity.

VENTRILOQUISM:   2 INT pts; 10 rounds; defocusd; active;  40 meters;  1500L.
   This is a full aural illusion, equivalent to a dragon roaring, or 10 men
   shouting, or one particular person being impersonated, etc.  Must concentrate.

DISGUISE SELF:   2 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
   Can change shape slightly, but basic body shape must remain (Centaur into
   Manticore, but NOT into Troll).  SIZ must vary by at most 25%.

DOUBLE/HALF SIZE 3 INT pts; 15 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
   This affects one object or creature within 40 meters.  Caster need not
   determine which spellhe wants to cast (enlarge or diminish) until the moment
   he actually casts it.  Living creatures who would want one get a roll
   (their POW vs. caster's INT).  Armor falls off if it's too small for its
   wearer.  Note that parry, damage, stealth... are affected when SIZ changes.

HOLD PORTAL:     3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
   A door, chest lid, trap door, etc. will be stuck fast for the duration.
   Of course, this spell is no stronger than the door itself, and if a
   monster could have battered through in N rounds, it still can.

KNOCK:           3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
   A door, chest, lock, trick or puzzle box, trap door, grate, etc. will spring
   open magically.  Will open any number of locks, bars, etc. necessary to work.

MIRROR IMAGE:    3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2000L.
   1d4 duplicate images of the caster (or affected creature) spring up
   around him.  They hover up to 5 meters from him (at his direction,
   otherwise they will be within 2 meters of him), and as each one gets hit
   (or parried) successfully it vanishes.  Even after being struck by the
   original, a foe cannot distinguish him from any of the remaining phantasms.
   If the affected creature turns invisible, the phantasms stay visible.

VISUAL ILLUSION: 3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; active;  80 meters;  2000L.
   Those failing their INTx5% rolls will believe the phantasm. No damage will
   ever be done, however, and any physical contact will reveal its true nature.
   Physical contact will not destroy it, but since it's an Active spell, any
   break in the caster's concenration WILL.  He may move, parry, but not attack.
   The size of the phantasm should not exceed 4 meters in any one dimension.

SPEAK LANGUAGES: 3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 60 meters;  2000L.
   Unlike Read A Language, this allows full linguistic ability.  The affected
   creature can read, write, comprehend speech, utter speech, etc. in any
   language.  This doesn't guarantee that the other folks want to talk to you,
   or will be truthful, friendly, etc.

SLOW POISON:     3 INT pts; 2d4 hours; focussed; passive; 1 meter;  2000L.
   A creature affected by Blade Venom 1 round ago, or any other posion up to
   2 full turns ago, is placed in a stasis; if antidotes or proper healing
   can be administered before this spell runs out, his or her life can be saved.

TRUE SEEING:     3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 80 meters;  2000L.
   95% chance of spotting hidden items, traps, illusions, phantasms, polymorphed
   creatures, stoned creatures, invisible ones, etc.  On a roll of 10% or less,
   their closeness to Chaos can be perceived, and on a roll of 5% or less even
   their thoughts, intentions, character, etc. can be sensed (applies only to
   living things).

BLESS:           3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2500L.
   This raises friendly attacks and parries by 5%, within 40m of caster.
   Any demoralized or befuddled allies have a 5% chance of coming to their 
   senses (now and also any allies who succumb during the next 10 rounds).
   No stacking!  Note that damage is not affected in any way.

>URSE:           3 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2500L.
   This lowers enemy attacks and parries by 5%, within 40m of caster.
   No other effects.  Not stackable.  Can be used simultaneously with Bless.

FIREBALL:        4 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 20 meters;  2500L.
   Does 1pt of fire damage to each hit location of each creature within 10m
   of the designated center, unless their POW overcomes the sorceror's INT.
   The fireball lasts but one Strike Rank; the "10 rounds" means that the
   caster can delay hurling the fireball for up to 10 rounds after casting it.
   The ball is hurled to any designated spot, up to 20m away from the caster,
   and then explodes.  He must have a clear line of sight to that spot.  Note
   that even in a confined space, the blast only goes 10m from its center.

FLY:             4 INT pts; 4d6 rnds;  focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2500L.
   The 4d6 duration is rolled secretly by the referee.  The caster moves at
   12 (twice that if he has Mobility cast upon him) through the air.  Weapon
   attacks from the air are at -10%, parries at +10%, damage at -1d4 from usual.
   A total weight of 10,000L can be lifted (including the affected creature).

BREATHE WATER:   4 INT pts; 4d8 rnds;  focussed; passive; 40 meters;  2500L.
   The 4d8 duration is rolled secretly by the referee.  The caster (or affected
   creature) can also breathe air during this time.

FIREWALL:        5 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  3000L.
   A curtain of flame appears, up to 40m distant, 1cm thick, up to 5x3m in
   size.  It is opaque from both sides, though flames shoot out in only
   one direction (decided by caster).  Creatures passing through it suffer
   1d6 points of fire damage directly to their CON.  Creatures
   within 2m of the hot side of the wall suffer 1 point of fire damage to CON.
   There is no chance of avoiding this damage.  The wall cannot be cast
   horizontally, or curved.  It will not move with the caster.

MONSTER SUMMON:  5 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  3000L.
   The caster points to any creature within 40 meters, and a duplicate of
   it appears, and combats it!  The duplicate will have all the characteristics
   and spells of the original, but will use them only on itself and its
   original.  It fights as it sees fit, but will treat the caster as an
   ally and (usually) avoid casting spells that might adversely affect him
   as well.  Its sole purpose is to slay its original.  When this is
   accomplished, it vanishes.  The residual effects of its spells may linger...
   Note that if the original has some spells going on itself, the duplicate
   will NOT be formed with those same spells going; but if the original had the
   ability to cast them again, then of course the duplicate may now cast them.

PASSWALL:        5 INT pts; 10 rounds; focussed; passive; 40 meters;  3000L.
   A 1x2m portal opens in  wall (up to 4m thick).  The caster may open and
   close this doorway as often as desired while the spell duration lasts.
   When closed, the doorway is undetectable (except by True Seeing or similar)
   and the wall is of the original strength in that spot.  Works on stone,
   wood, metal, earth, sand, water, but NOT living animals.

STONEWALL:       6 INT pts; 1 day;     focussed; passive; 30 meters;  3500L.
   A wall of stone appears where the caster calls for it, up to 30m away
   from his current position.  The wall will be 1m thick, and up to 4x4m in
   size.  It must be vertical, resting on some solid inanimate support.

STONE <=> FLESH: 7 INT pts; 4d6 rnds;  focussed; passive; 40 meters;  4000L.
   The caster has the optionof converting stone to flesh or vice versa.
   This spell OR its reverse may be made permanent by sacrificing 1 INT pt.
   A hitherto stoned creature rstored to flesh form will be automatically 
   resurrected.  A statue that was never alive (or a stone wall) will merely
   turn into a mass of dead fleshy substance.  To turn a creature to stone
   requires the sorceror's INT overcoming the victim's POW.

POLYMORPH OTHER: 7 INT pts; 1 day;     focussed; passive; 30 meters;  4000L.
   The "other" resists with his POW, against the sorceror's INT.  If he fails,
   he takes on the shape, hit points, characteristics, mentality, etc. of the
   desired form.  No characteristic can increase as a result of this spell.
   Movement (and modes of movement) can increase.  The new creature will know
   how he was created, and almost always be hostile to the sorceror.

POLYMORPH SELF:  7 INT pts; 3d6 rnds;  defocusd; passive; no range;   4000L.
   Sorceror acquires the shape, SIZ, Movement factor (and modes of locomotion)
   of any mammal,  bird, or fish.  SIZ must be at least 2, and at most 35.

RESURRECT:       8 INT pts;  1 round;  focussed; active;  no range;   6000L.
   Victim must make CONx5% roll; also she loses 1pt of CON.  Caster also loses:
   01-10 nothing; 11-29 1 pt of POW; 30-79 1 pt POW and 1 pt INT; 80-00 1 pt INT
   Note that this is in place of the Mana roll; this spell never "fails".
   If victim fails CON roll, he loses 1pt CON and the spell may be cast again.
   Must be done within 1 day of death.  If the spell was in the mind (or in
   allied spirit's mind) at time of death, it can be cast on self. All losses to
   CON, INT, and POW mentioned above are all permanent.  The body must have been
   healed to at least +3 hit points prior to casting this spell. Instantly
   back in the action (no need to recuperate.)

TIMESTOP:        9 INT pts; 1d4 rnds;  focussed; passive; 40 meters;  8000L.
   The referee rolls the 1d4 secretly; the remainder of the current round
   does not count in this (so the duration is typically 1d4+ 9 strike ranks).
   All activity in a 40m radius of the sorceress freezes. She may move, attack,
   cast, etc. freely, but this 40m sphere does NOT move with her, and if she
   leaves it the creatures within it are instantly freed from the timestop.